So! This website has a slightly fresh coat of paint (it’s been using this new theme for about a month now but oh well) and has also had a rearrangement of the menu tabs, which should hopefully aid in navigation. Those interested in my musical activities can check out the Media tab. Those who know me for my Doom modding can check out the fresh new Doom Projects page. Those who are curious about The Adventures of Square can go to the relevant page. Epic Song of the Week has been retired, for now.

Important to note is that my university studies are now behind me. What lies ahead after all that? …A good question. A post covering what I’ve been up to over the last 4 years will be coming, for those who want a quick digest of it all instead of the super in-depth explanations within my Portfolios.

Also, some big things are still to come. Hopefully. Watch this space.

Here’s to 2018 in advance – a year I hope to make extremely productive.